Not mushroom for breakfast?

I find the biggest obstacle to choosing and eating the right foods for every meal is my inbuilt programming of what a meal ‘should’ be. Working with clients, I have learned that breakfast is the meal people find most difficult to reimagine.

Speedy smoked mackerel paté in gluten free courgette cups

That nibbly time of year is approaching when I find myself missing those little dainty ‘croustades’ that I used to buy and fill with delicious concoctions in the days before I was gluten free. I’ve been wracking my brains for an alternative and realised I could make little containers with slices of courgette.

Cauliflower, lentil and halloumi salad

This was one of those accidental salads that worked so well I felt duty bound to write it down and share it with you. Therefore, apologies for the photo because, as so often happens, it wasn’t until it was half-eaten that I realised how good it was!

Tucked-up peppers

When the weather is skorchio I love to spend half an hour in the cool of the kitchen before the heat gets going – pottering round and preparing something nice for supper. This morning, I was going to make my tried and tested stuffed peppers recipe when I spotted some prosciutto in the fridge and decidedContinue reading “Tucked-up peppers”

Halloumi, avocado and strawberry salad

Inspired by a recent visit to Juliet’s (my favourite Tunbridge Wells café) this salad is the perfect accompaniment to grilled or barbecued meats; tonight it is going to sidle up to a grilled lamb chop from Speaight’s butcher. To me, supper doesn’t get any better than this! However, this salad would also make a deliciousContinue reading “Halloumi, avocado and strawberry salad”

Goat’s Cheese and Asparagus Crustless Quiche

To me, May is the most beautiful month; the garden is full of colour and life, summer is still waiting to happen. The new season’s asparagus is an added bonus. You can add it to soups and salads, or simply eat on it’s own with a little butter and black pepper, or a poached egg.

Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day

You can’t have missed last week’s headlines announcing that the five a day target needs to double. The New York Times led with ‘You’re going to need a bigger bowl‘. The study found that up to 600g per person per day of vegetables leads to a reduced cancer risk and that 8oog reduced all causeContinue reading “Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day”